Why Choose Us

No-Win No-Fee, No Hidden Legal Costs


We accept most clients on a no win no fee basis, so you do not have to worry about paying our legal fees unless we win your case at the end.

There are strict time limits for making a claim – don’t miss out on compensation.

At DW Lawyers, our focus is you. We have the experience and knowledge to assist you in enforcing your rights and recovering your losses.  

We have an ethically strong focus on ensuring only economically viable strategies are adopted. We deliver practical advice in an easy to understand and meaningful way.  As a firm that is focused on relationships, we look beyond the legal issues as to how our advice will affect you, your business or your family. Whether we are helping you with your dispute or litigation needs or any other issue we will be focussed on the right solution and on how we can best deliver that solution to you.

We value developing relationships that outlast a single claim. Judge us on the quality of our work and the practical recommendations made as you journey towards your compensation.

Contact us now to find out how we can help.

Let us be your bridge over troubled water