
Our compensation law practice covers injuries relating to:

Motor Vehicle / Trail / Dirt Bike Accidents

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident as a driver, passenger or pedestrian you may be entitled to compensation.

Queensland legislation states all vehicles must be registered and carry compulsory third party (CTP) insurance. This insurance covers compensation for people injured in a motor vehicle accident.

If it was proven to be solely or predominantly your fault, this would be the only time you would not be entitled to compensation.

Bicycle / Scooter Accidents

Bike accident claims that involve a rider being injured by a motor vehicle are governed by the Queensland CTP insurance scheme.

Injuries resulting from accident’s involving bicycles in public places – other than on roadways – are covered by the public liability insurance scheme. Such incidents include collisions with other unregistered bicycles, pedestrians or unsafe paths or bikeways. In both of the above circumstances, there are specific time frames within which you must commence a claim.

To understand whether you have a claim it is best to contact us as soon as possible.

Work Place Accidents

Under the Queensland workers’ compensation scheme, workers have the right to sue their employer for negligence through a common law or damages claim.

If the worker is able to show an unsafe system of work, a lump sum payment of damages is awarded to the worker taking into account their future economic loss (loss of wages) and pain and suffering.

There are strict time limits that apply to workplace accidents in Queensland. Failure to commence a claim before these time limits expire may cause a loss of your legal right to make a claim. We urge you to take advantage of our free consultation as soon as possible to protect your rights.

Slips & Falls (Public Liability)

In most cases, if you have been injured in a public space you may be entitled to compensation from the public liability insurer of that property.  For example, if you tripped getting off an escalator at a shopping centre, you may be entitled to compensation.

Public spaces include places like shopping centres, parks, schools, resorts, footpaths, even a family member or friends’ property.

Superannuation & TPD (Total & Permanent Disability) Claims ​

Have you suffered serious injury or illness? Have you been deemed unfit for work because of serious injury or illness? You could be eligible to claim on your existing policies with your superannuation funds. Some of the superannuation matters we handle include:

Total Permanent Disability (TPD) Claims – If you are sick or injured and have not been able to return to employment, you may have a policy under your superannuation fund.

Life Insurance/Death Benefit Claims- If you are the dependent of the deceased, you may be entitled to make a claim against the superannuation fund or other insured policies for the death benefit to be paid out due to a fatal accident or an illness resulting in death.

Income Protection Claims – If you have been unable to work due to an injury or an illness, your superannuation policy may cover ongoing payments for the loss of your salary.

You may also be able to access your superannuation account balance prior to the usual retirement age if you are permanently incapacitated from working.