We are professionally trained in acting on behalf of clients for various matters. Our knowledge of the law and legislation allows us to provide clients with the best advice possible.

An example of why it is so important to have a professional represent you is outlined below: –

If you have been a driver, rider, passenger or a pedestrian that has been involved in a motor vehicle accident that is not your fault, or only partly your fault, you have a right to claim compensation in Queensland.

Because it is in the insurance company’s interests to try and limit the amount of compensation you can recover, they will not tell you what you can claim and what your claim is truly worth.

Insurance companies have their own team of Lawyers who do everything they can to try and reduce the amount of your claim.

Without legal representation you will be at a big disadvantage when dealing with the insurance companies and their lawyers.

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident in Queensland, it is critical that you obtain advice from a lawyer who is very experienced in Motor Vehicle Accident claims to ensure that you are aware of all the benefits available to you.

DW Lawyers are experienced in all Motor Vehicle and Road Accident claims, Workers’ Compensation and other accident claims.

We make sure that you recover everything that you are entitled to by law.

And because DW Lawyers operates on a no win no fee basis, you don’t need to pay for any legal costs or outlays until your claim is successfully finalised.

In some cases, a proportion of your legal costs and outlays can be recovered from the Insurance company.

No, your compensation and damages settlement payment or award is not taxable.

This means that you are not required to disclose your compensation or damages payment achieved from your personal injury claim, in your tax return when lodging it with the Australian Taxation Office.

No. At DW Lawyers we understand that not everyone is in a position to pay a Lawyer upfront for legal advice. That is why at DW Lawyers there are no upfront legal costs or outlays where we believe you have a possible claim for compensation.

DW Lawyers no win no fee scheme is available for motor vehicle accident compensation claims. This means you do not pay for legal fees or outlays unless your case is successful.

The scheme is designed to help those whose financial circumstances might otherwise deny them access to legal representation.

In some cases, a proportion of your legal costs and outlays can also be recovered from the insurance company.

No. The good news is that in Queensland, this just cannot happen as there is legislation to protect you and your claim.

Settlement negotiations refer to pre-court stage where the parties may try to reach a resolution without litigation. The negotiations could take place between legal representatives upon the instructions of their respective clients.

Although you will need to attend in person to the formal settlement negotiations, your legal representatives will make all the submissions and representations for you. This is the stage where the plaintiff could offer a settlement amount to the injured party to avoid trial.

Personal injury claims in Queensland are regulated by State legislation. The objective of settlement negotiations is to encourage the parties to reach settlement and for the injured party to receive compensation fast without the need to proceed to a trial or litigation, which is costly and time-consuming for all stakeholders.

These vary and it is important to check you are in the time frame to make a claim.

This is to ensure that you will not lose your rights to pursue claims and damages for the injuries you have sustained.

It is not often that claims proceed to a Court hearing. Statistically, less than 1% of claims proceed to a Court hearing.

Most claims settle once the claimant and the insurer have enough information for the matter to be negotiated. However, if there is a dispute which cannot be resolved by negotiations, we are able to conduct a trial on your claim.

Yes, in some cases we can obtain reimbursement of your Medical and Rehabilitation treatment expenses that you have already incurred where it has been confirmed that you did not cause the accident.

We can also have the funding for your operative treatment approved and paid for in advance if you require operative treatment for your injuries.

DW Lawyers is a litigation (Court action) personal injury law firm based in Brisbane, Australia. Our experienced solicitors provide competent and practical advice and exceptional services throughout all of Queensland.

Get personal service for you or your loved one.

Work with experienced solicitors who know your rights and entitlements so you can focus on recovery and rehabilitation. We provide aggressive representation against insurance companies in Queensland.

DW Lawyers rejects the “conveyor belt” legal firm model and focuses on providing personal service to all clients.

It can be really overwhelming, devastating, and stressful to suffer a personal injury, especially if it resulted in income loss or capacity to earn. We focus our legal services to motor vehicle accidents, work related injuries, and other personal injury claims to provide exceptional help for you.

Your case will be fairly negotiated with the primary objective of getting you just entitlements.